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16v block wanted kr/6a/9a

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Hey guys, I'm after a replacement block after mine destroyed itself.


Ideally I'd like a 2.0 but will consider a 1.8. Local to Exeter would be nice, or posted if far away.


Cash waiting



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I have a 9a 1994 2l 16v one in full working order. I can get it couriers down to you as well.

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Guys I think Steve has overlooked closure on this thread. He now has a 2litre 16V engine sorted. Good luck with sales on your respective engines.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Yep cheers John. Didn't get chance to get back on the computer after speaking to you yesterday.


As said this is now sorted. Should have a replacement engnie coming my way over the weekend


Thanks for the offers



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