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Engine Hoist nr Dundee

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As above. Would love to borrow an engine hoist for a day or two over a weekend if anyone has one?


The car is on a driveway so would either need to be a VAG engine support that works off the suspension top mounts or a trolley type. I can't use a pulley type as there is nothing to attach it too.


Thanks in advance!



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Are you doing a clutch or taking the engine out? If the former, a peice of girder or very strong timber sat on the wings is how VAG do it.


If removing the engine, you and an accomplace can simply wheel it out with a trolley jack :lol: Me and Heresites did that with his old 12V lump.


Shame you're so far away as I have a crane you could borrow....

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Are you doing a clutch or taking the engine out? If the former, a peice of girder or very strong timber sat on the wings is how VAG do it.


I considered this, ive seen the tool in the bently manual and thought it looked straight forward enough to fix a few timber CLS planks across, I'd have to go buy some structural timber though.


If removing the engine, you and an accomplace can simply wheel it out with a trolley jack :lol: Me and Heresites did that with his old 12V lump.


I've been considering having a go with a few trolly jacks too! It's the subframe I need out. Was going to have a go tonight at sitting the whole engine on the front mount and raising it up at the back, supporting the car chassis via the front cross member..... Then undoing the rear engine mounts and dropping the subframe from underneath. Not sure how easy that would be though!

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I would take the front cross member off, get a jack or two under the motor and wheel it out backwards. Then you can get the subframe out easily from there.


A crane does make life easier (although some need the bonnet to be removed or held back as far as it will go) but by the time you've faffed around sourcing one, you and a couple of mates could have the thing on the floor in a matter of minutes :D

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thing is the car is up on axle stands just now and trying to move the engine out on trolly jacks sounds a little hairy... do you think my idea is plausible?

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