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Forum upgrade 11-Jun-2011 - FEEDBACK

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I was getting a lot of hanging and noticed the browser was waiting for google +1. So I disabled it in settings --> profile --> +1 --> off. It seems to have helped so far.


Great tip, just changed mine and it makes a world of difference :thumbleft:

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is the random double double posting on the second sentence sentence of some posts annoying anyone else else?

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Interesting, seems google+ might be slowing us down.. Suprising, but certainly possible!


I'll speak to Andy and see if we can test this

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Who's this "Andy" bloke? ;)


Maybe I could remove it from each post and just have it on the pages? Less calls, then...


---------- Post added at 08:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 PM ----------


How's that running?

Not on every post now - just one call per page...

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The 'archive' is back - so any links that point to the old site should now work again.


Next job... well, I won't tell you all. You'll just found out. And probably be happy. Annoyingly.

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Its nice to have the old site back :)


Too many answers on google that point to /archive! :)

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