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heatwrap 6 branch

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ive got a 6branch manifold and wonder what is correct way of heatwrapping it?


and do you HAVE to wrap it ? or can i get away without wrapping it?


or how any help apprecaited


thank you

Edited by hawwy

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Not sure what you mean by the 'correct way'. Just get a load of heat wrap and wrap it, makes sure its tight as your wrapping it up and make sure you wear gloves as the stuff is itchy as hell and gets EVERYWHERE!!!


I ended up wrapping 2 of the closest lobes together as it made life easier. Apparently if you soak the wrap in water before you do it, it stop the fibres coming off as much.


You don't have to wrap it but the manifold gets very hot even with heat wrap so wouldn't like to try it out.

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how much wrap would i need?


so i start on one branch tie it and wrap all way down and tie it again , and do that to all 6 branches.?

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As swifty says really, though the reason to wet it is more when it dries it shrinks a bit. But dont make it TOO tight as the manifold will expand when hot and could crack if the wrap is too tight. But wetting it will stop fibres from coming off.


As for how much, i bought 2 x 50ft by 2 in wide stuff and one was more then enough (i bought more just in case), that included cut offs and also included a 50% over lap. Look on youtube before attempting if you'#re not sure on how to do it. But its pretty straight forward. Simply warp a branch at a time with a 50% over lap each time you go round the tube. Tie as often as you like.


I didnt bother buying the metal cable ties as they are really expensive for what you get. I just bought a roll of copper wire, which was £30 on its own BUT there was LOADS of it, more hten enough using plenty of it to hold the wrap on.


Another bit of advice is to decide before you fit as to whether you will wrap or not. I wrapped mine whilst on the car and i would NOT recommend it, its possible but a right ball ache.


I would recommend to wrap it over not wrapping it, as swift says it lets alot of heat out, and the VR gets hot anyway. Plus it protects the steering column which is jsut to the left of the downpipe and anything else close by.


I used the "cool it" product in black - http://www.ruderacing.co.uk/Exhaust_Heat_Wrap/c710/p140000/Thermo-Tec_Exhaust_Heat_Wrap_(White)/product_info.html


and you will also need silicone spray - http://www.ruderacing.co.uk/Exhaust_Heat_Wrap/c710/p140150/Hi-Heat_Exhaust_Wrap_Coating/product_info.html


The silicone spray protects the wrap from water and oil etc. The wrap can go manky if it gets wet, use pletny of silicone spray to repell water etc.


Saying abotu the metal cable ties, they arent THAT expensive on that site. THey used to be more then that.

Edited by Critical_Mass

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