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Fuel leak!! Need help drastically

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Hey guys


on the way to work this morning and got a great whiff of fuel coming from around the air filter.

got back home and found that the clips on the air filter have worn away at the metal pipe of the line which is connected in between 2 hoses


after checking some pics i realised that its ment to be a complete hose


anyway, does anyone know where i can get the hoses from? ive tried ebay and they got squat


help!! :D


ive put an attatchment pic on, (not my car but a pic i found on line) the hoses outlined in red are what i need and the part circled in yellow is where its squirting out fuel like a garden hose

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Somebody on here is bound to be breaking these parts so hold tight. If not, you may have to try VW, they can't be that much. I tried to get a part number for you on ETKA but mine has expired :(


Good luck.



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From a VR6? If so I`m breaking one at the moment. Let me have a look tonight at how easily these hoses come off. If they are simple to remove i can have them in the post to you tomorrow.

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Somebody on here is bound to be breaking these parts so hold tight. If not, you may have to try VW, they can't be that much. I tried to get a part number for you on ETKA but mine has expired :(


Good luck.




Look here: http://www.wagenstad.com/index.php

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Somebody on here is bound to be breaking these parts so hold tight. If not, you may have to try VW, they can't be that much. I tried to get a part number for you on ETKA but mine has expired :(


Good luck.




haha how wrong could you be. I had a fuel leak on the upper of those 2 pipes and i got a price and apparently you have to buy a full length of pipe not just that one part and its like £40 + VAT. Ridiculous.

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