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ABS advice thank you please

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I have been searching for the past hour for a possible answer though no joy.


Anyway my abs light is not plugged in, when it is the light is on, the light unit is not in the best condition, though clearly does work. I have noticed however that

there are 2 plugs (one white and a smaller red one) they both plug into the unit. Though the light unit (535 919 235 BA) only has pins for the white plug.


There is no pins or 'gubbins' inside for the red two pin plug?! And previous posts do not mention this red plug.


This seems like an obvious problem, so is the red plug for something my car does not have or has my light been butchered in its previous life?


Thanks, and sorry to be a pain!



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Can anyone help with this?


Just need to know if slots 1 and 2 in the above pic should have pins in?



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From memory I dont think there is any pin for the red plug. Think the red plug is only for models that had air bags...not 100 perecnt sure Iam sure others can confirm etc


The BA style is for the later corrado year 1995


If your abs light is staying lit it may be a sensor at fault at the wheels? You could take it into a garage that has VAG com to determine which sensor is causing the abs light to stay lit.

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Thanks for that info bud.


Thats what I really wanted to know as if the light is missing some pins i thought that would be the first thing to change. Though the units are hard to come by in good nick!


Looks like mine is ok then......


thanks again :)

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Mine doesn't have pins in the small plug either. It puzzled me too!


Give it a quick test - start the car with your foot on the brake; the light should go on, you'll hear a spring/relay go clunk and the light'll go off. It'll come back on again once the ECU realises there's something amiss (varies: 5 seconds to a few minutes of driving when one of my wheel sensors had gone kaput) but if it goes off at all you know it's working ok :)



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