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fuel pump / fuel tank for power upgrade

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Hey everyone, I'm I right in thinking the fuel tanks on the 16vs are different to the vr and g60?


My 20v Corrado is undergoing a bit of surgery and the engine should hopefully be in the 380 bhp area (ish)

My car is running the standard fuel pumps at the moment. It was originally a 2l16v.

I know I could just fit an inline walboro pump but would the standard lift pump keep up with it. I've heard that if a swirl pot isn't used the inline pump can be starved by the lift pump due to the difference in flow rates.


What do people use on their vr6 turbos? I've heard that the tanks can be modified on the vr6s to fit a 255 walboro pump in the tank but I'm unsure if the tanks are the same.

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