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Starting issue facing down hill (??)

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Quick question.


My cars starts fine each time. The parking spaces at work are on a slant. If i park with the car facing slightly up hill, i have no issues. However on the rare occassion i park facing down hill slightly the car takes a few turns to start and sounds like its struggling slightly. Clearly a fuel problem, but what can cause it. Starts ok every time apart from when parking slightly down hill.


Im thinking fuel pump but then why wuld it only happen when down hill and not up hill

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Sounds like what i had mate,my fuel pump became dislodged from the bottom of the fuel tank where pump locks in. Pump was on a tilt,so on hills it was sucking air in with fuel beening a bit spluttery.on noticed mine because fuel guage stuck on quarter tank!


otherwise mybe you should put more fuel in the tank ;)

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Mmmmmm i have this problem sometimes as well, although it happens when parked on the flat also. Mabe i have a lazy fuel pump . Its the same spluttery start though . she will start bang on first turn of the key in the garage , i can make three stops or so then go to start it and it happens .

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