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Newbie with cold start problem + overfueling

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hello all,


I purchased a nice looking corrado yesterday. similar to the one in the pic above.


Was pleased with my purchase, but i went to start it today and it started but revs dropped and died, done this three times and after that I held the throttle open at 2.5rpm for a few secs and it settled down. It started to smell off fuel, as mpg is not that great got 27mpg on a run indicated by the OBC not really driving that hard.


So where do i start with these? I have had mainly bmw and one mk3 golf so clueless, after reading around could be either temp sensor or lambda?

its a 2.0 16v btw

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Welcome to the CF :)


While you wait for some answers, the search really is a great help for a very common problem like this.

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I had a quick search, looks like the fueling will either be the lambda or temp sensor.


But cannot find much on the starting issue. Can these be connected?

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The Lambda isnt used until the engine is up to temp. Referring to another thread regarding Valver mpg, 27 isnt bad at all.


Thanks for the reply, the 27 mpg was on a country road doing 50-70, although I think that the OBC might be faulty as petrol gauge has not moved as much. Do these cars have a low fuel warning light?


The thing that bothers me most is the starting issue....

Where is the diagnostic plug on these? What are they obd1?

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nope corrado doesnt have low fuel level warning lamp,just make sure you stay out of the red,its a guessing game once its in there.Blue temp sender is a common issue with all VWs around these years but is only apperent when hot not cold.


you can look for the basics first- check vacuum hoses for holes or tears,check the dizzy and cap(oil seal goes on these and leaks oil into the dizzy) check the HT leads for cracks, electrical connectors that are loose.


On the side of the inlet there is a cold start device that operates when cold(basicaly an injector) disconnect it and see if it makes a difference

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I am not sure disconnecting the cold start valve ( sits on right front of the air inlet manifold), will make any difference because if it is not working nothing will change. So best thing to do is remove but leave connected to fuel and wiring loom, get someone to turn over car whilst you aim into something to catch fuel. If ypur car is stone cold it should squirt fuel.

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disconnecting the cold start valve puts the electrical side of fuel management out off the picture.No need to remove the valve.He isnt checking to see if the cold start is working,he is checking to see if its overfueling when cold. the revving to 2.5 k is probably clearing out the excess fuel in the cylinders

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Based on symptoms I would say initially cold start valve is not firing, after several turns there is enough fuel to fire it but then it cuts out. Keeping throttle open allows more air in and therefore more fuel and it will run. He should test both our methods.

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I am not sure disconnecting the cold start valve ( sits on right front of the air inlet manifold), will make any difference because if it is not working nothing will change. So best thing to do is remove but leave connected to fuel and wiring loom, get someone to turn over car whilst you aim into something to catch fuel. If ypur car is stone cold it should squirt fuel.


I'm with rustynuts on this one. It's only two allen bolts to get it off and look. Once the engine is warm I took mine off again and ran the engine to check that it wasn't leaking when it was supposed to be off.

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Thanks for the replies.

It sounds like its not working. I will investigate today and report back.

If i need a new one where is the best place to buy it? Will it have a part no written on it?

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