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Bypassing VR6 Crankcase Breather

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Of all the times for this to happen!

I was moving the car out of the driveway this afternoon when I heard a crack from the engine bay and the car stalled. On startup the revs shot to 3000rpm then back to below 1000rpm then stalled again.

Checked the engine bay, the breather at the back of the crankcase has exploded.

I have the part numbers:

VW 021133429A

Ford F7364573


However, with it being Christmas all the local dealers are closed until the 27th and even then they may not open the parts dept.

I'm due to drive back to Germany on the morning of the 27th. Brilliant!

Is there a way to bypass this and is it safe to do so for a journey of around 500 miles?

Why does this crap always happen at the worst possible time! :(

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All you need to do is make a connection of the two rubber pipes that run into the damper unit. Copper pipe or hard plastic pipe that won't collapse. Be a bit noisier.



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In Bangor N.Ireland visiting the folks. Don't think there's anyone local, but you never know. B&Q is open on Boxing Day, I'll see if they have suitable pipe.

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mine did this awhile ago,although it just split and i wasnt experianceing stalling problems, maybe some heat proof shrink wrap tape or tube would do the trick as a temp fix? good luck in finding something ..Merry x-mas people !!

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Disaster averted. The guy I sold my last VR to dry stores it during the Winter. So I'm going to borrow the part from him and send him a replacement.

Thanks for the help guys and Merry Christmas!

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Nice one! When fitting, just look down the rubber pipes to make sure none of the internal material of the old one has choked the pipe, particularly the ISV pipe & shutter valve.



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Got it swapped over, luckily only the box part had shattered and nothing had gone into the pipe. The 1200 miles since then have been faultless (touch wood)

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