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Clumsy b4stard shoppers!!!!

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yeah had a guy reverse into my mk4 polo which had just come back from the body shop that week! (flared arches and a whole lot of flushing), anyway stopped to let some people cross the car park in tescos and this guy in a new punto just reverses straight out of his parking space into my bumper whilst tying to straighten his parking up. the cheeky guy then continues to walks off into tesco, so i followed him with some mates and said, "excuse me mate, u have just reversed into my car and your gonna have to pay for it". Then took the guy over to see my bumper, which had cracked the paint. He replies with ," its nothing" :x . after some persuasion got him to go to the cash machine and pay up, as the guy was drunk and he knew if i called the cops he would be in the sh*t. :roll:

anyway moral of the story is don't park near the trolley bays, and park in two parking spaces if possible, i have even parked totally the wrong way a couple of times, as i get seriously :mad: when people just dent your car and drive off.

oh yeah and what bodyshop do u use paul as the ones based in leeds charge premuim rates and are all to kind when it comes to applying tubs of filler to repair dents. :( :shock:

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To a certain degree, I think the supermarkets are also to blame - for not making the parking spaces big enough. I would suggest that when this happens to any of us, we go straight to the supermaket manager accompanied by the guilty persons & sort it that way.


Ultimately, on private land, the supermarket should be responsible & liable for any damage. Public liability insurance, etc.

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Sorry to hear that phatvr6 but if that ba*#ard had continuosly bashed his door into the side of my C i'd have punched his fu*#ing lights out :mad: . Not to dramatic i hope, but c*#ts like that do my fu*#ing head in. Hasn't happened to me yet and touch wood and taking the necessary precautions......



a) driving all around car parks before selecting the 'best' space,

b) ideally parking in a space with at least one side against a wall,

c) parking in a quiet area, i.e. furthest away from the entrance.

d) never parking anywhere near where the trolleys get returned to!


:roll: :lol: :oops:


It's not going to.

Hope you've got it sorted or are geting it done.

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Happened to me today, went to PC world in beckton and some stupid woman F*cking uGly B*atch came and parked right next to me, in a car park full of spaces i was still in the car while she was getting out and she couldnt and opened her door door onto my passenger door, i blasted the horn, she gave me one dirty look, i was like u got a nerve.

wass going to smash in her window or get my key out, but there was no damage so i spared her shitty little fiesta

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some people :mad:


i ve started parking across two spaces, ppl give me funny looks, but at least it limits the chance of damage.


at least they have offerd to pay,






The wife does that,I used to think look at that idiot who cant park now I see the other side of the coin :wink:


She trys to find two parking spaces alone and then straddles them ,maybe this is in the wrong section of them forum :wink: :wink:

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Problem is... sometimes you get some w***ers who get p***ed off that you've taken up 2 spaces, and they decide to key your car :cry: :x :mad:

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At least you have her address because if the B*tch fails to pay up sneak round to her house and ding a few wings with the old 4lb hammer-- Don`t get mad get even :!: :!: :wink:

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