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Rear Beam Fitting Question

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A question to those who've fitted rear beams, when did you torque the mounting bolts?


Maybe I'm reading this wrong but to me the manual says two different things......on the attached extract from the manual I've clouded the two bits that I'm looking at. One states that the mounting brackets are installed at 12°30’ ± 1° to the beam. The other states that the bolts are tightened with the beam at horizontal, but I've measured the angle of the brackets in the car and they sit at 20° so what's all this 12°30’ ± 1° about, why such an accurate measurement for installing them if you're simply going to tighten them up at some other angle?


Or am I missing something?


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frankly.... i ignored that when doing mine!


for the home mechanic doing this on the ground/ small ramps there's only so much you can do, i mounted the brackets first, then the beam, given the fact you have to wedge (pretension) the beam between the two mounts i'm not sure how you could do it with the beam mounted to the mounts.


i've no rattles or knocks btw.

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I guessed this would be the way I ended up doing it!


I left the brackets on the car anyway so had to use a pry bar to get the beam back in, I just wondered if there was a consensus over what angle to fix the beam into the brackets at, torqued up with the beam at horizontal leaves them around 7 or 8° away from the number in the manual so what's it written for?


Cheers for the reply anyway, think I'll just tighten them up and get on with something else!!!

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