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Chris VR

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Hi All


So after several months of lurking round these forums and looking for the right car I have finally taken the plunge and bought my first Corrado.

I headed over to Portsmouth last weekend to buy PeteLs VR6, followed by an awesome blast down to Plymouth which saw major disagreements between my head and my right foot as to how much throttle was necessary (foot kept winning!).

The car is in great nick considering the 147k on the clock. My main objective was to get a decent shell as the car is a project and I will be restoring it to it's former glory over the next X months, years or whatever it ends up taking! The engine pulls well and seems to have been looked after, which is always a bonus.

The car does pull very slightly to the left though - not the end of the world as my first order or business was going to be replacing every wearing part in the suspension and this leads to my first question:

Has anyone at any point complied a list of suspension components and their part codes? I plan on doing the whole works whilst I'm under there, so all bushes front and rear,top mounts, all ball joints, may as well do the tie rods and wishbones, engine mounts and anything else I may have missed!?


Many thanks in advance



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Hi Chris


Glad you made it to Plymouth ok bud.


Sounds like you've got some big plans for the car, which is great, the engine certainly is a peach. The suspension would have been the next job for me if I had kept her for longer so it's probably the best place to start for the car as it could probably do with a refresh.


Good luck and I'll be interested to hear how you progress.



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Hi Pete


Yeah the drive down to Plymouth was a blast. The drive back to Weymouth, not so much! Very busy A38 in the dark/thick fog/sheets of rain and some sleet after a very short nights sleep! Made it without incident though.


I'll be documenting all the work I do and sticking it on the net for public consumption, so you'll be able to see how she's doing =)


Can you tell me if the knocking/clunking when you start it is normal? Or is this something I'll need to look into?



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I honestly hadn't noticed any adverse noises when starting the car, it never sounded any different in the 2 years I had it or the VR I had before that. Might be worthing checking engine mounts etc but as I said I never noticed anything that I thought needed looking at so could just be normal. The recent service at my local specialist didn't pick it up anything either and he always gave me the heads up if he spotted anything that may need attention in the future.


Hope that helps. Cheers

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VR's can sound a little rough when first starting, particularly when cold.


Also they all seem to pull to the left a little. I've no idea why :)

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Thanks for the replies. I've put new tyres on the front and it's no longer pulling to the left, which is a good start =). Next step is new bushes/mounts/ball joints etc. Also have to get it checked out by the DVS (our DVLA) and pray it passes! I hear they're quite ruthless with imports.

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