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Manufacturer admits errors in design of front arb.

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Spoke to the importer the other day, as my thick 22mm front arb is scraping on the track arms, like some other people have also niticed on their Corrados. Never a problem to the Golf 2 version though.

He told me, that manufacturer will honor the original customers, should they have any trouble after installing the product correctly and being the first owner, and having bought it via official channels (no grey import), and after making sure front end is correctly setup and adjusted.

As a compensation and to redeem their good name, the company will exchange the front arb to a modified one, together with all relevant bushed, anchilaries etc. That's what I call good service ;)

As if it wasn't enough, they will via the importers, contact the owners or vice versa, and invite Corrado owners toa trackday, handling day at Nürburgring (closed track day) for max benefit demonstration of their products. This way, they hope to show their customers a healthy company policy, and to end the eternal scraping discussions on fora's etc. I think that is a very nice thing to do, and wil def. join them that day. Transport is on ones own expense to and from the track, but include a lunch, tea, coffee etc. Discounts on products such as springs etc is also in the forge.



Redfox :black: :g60:

Edited by Redfox

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Thats a great result can you tell us which front arb manufacturer is this for cheers

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The April 1st leg pulls are suppose to end at midday Redfox...... :o)



Dohhh :)

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hehe... :black: :g60:


Mark: yes, but not where I am from. Anyway, at that time, I was out running a 10 miles course, to be in shape for driving the Corrado ;)

No VWVW, I cannot, as i don't want a sue on my shoulders ;) Anyway I drive with Eibach arbs, and after a 4 wheel alignment and adjustment, I have no more scraping ;) Very nice.




Edited by Redfox

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