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Starting trouble VR6, maybe fuel pump relay or crank sensor?

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Hi all, just after abit of help, i have been trawling around on here for the past few days looking but still cant seem to get any direction.



Little background:

On monday night my car wouldnt start, was fine turning over, but just wouldnt fire, while trying to start it i could hear a relay constantly and erratically clicking from the fuse box, turns out its the fuel pump relay No 167. can also hear the fuel pump running in the back.


After a while persisting, checking plugs fuel pump etc I managed to get it to start, (at the detriment to me getting a mahoosive electric shock checking for a spark!) then it ran fine all evening, everytime I stopped, it started straight away again.


Then come Tuesday morning had the same problem, just kept turning over but not starting, fuel pump relay clicking away as the car was turning over. Since then I've had the AA out who tried bypassing the fuel pump relay, (still wouldnt start), then taking a spark plug out again to check for spark, which he said was fine. Eventually, as before if fired into life, and was fine all of tuesday evening.


Then again this morning it wouldnt fire up again! the fuel pump relay is still clicking away and the fuel pump can be heard to be working.


The AA guy mentioned it could be the crank sensor? but just looking for any advice on here?

(appologies for the monster post)




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The fuel pump relay should only click and "magnetise" once. Get it swapped out for a known good one, only about £12 new from vw anyway. Also worth getting an ECU relay too. Crank sensor is a posibility, but if you know anyone with vagcom in your area to get codes read, that would be of mucho benefit.........o. :scratch::D

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Unlikely if it cranks, but check the battery voltage. Trying to start the other day with a (very!) flat battery caused mad clicking from my fusebox - there weren't enough beans left to run the fuel pump, so the battery voltage sagged and turned the pump off, which let the voltage recover and so on...



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Yer I thought maybe the battery, but got a full charge overnight and still couldnt start it, althought it could crank it for quite a while, and many attempts. But a new battery is on my list eventually as the AA said it failed the test, probably as I'd been trying to start the car for so long without success.


As for VAG-COM I had a go myself with the VCDS-lite version, although by the time I hooked it up it started and there were no codes recorded, I belive there is something about if you shut off the ignition after the fault has occured then it wont keep it in the memory, will have another look tonight though! Thats if it doesnt start for so long that I cant get it to the garage before it closes!


Should note aswell that this all happened after me fitting an uprated loom! Couldn't be related could it? The only changes to the car really are the addition of a +ve and -ve to the battery feeding the relays for the loom? i doubt it but nothing ever seems straight forward with grounding stuff and messing up other circuits!


Morale of the story I guess, if it aint complely broke, dont fix it!

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