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idiot neighbour!

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I need some advice! I have a complete arse hole of a neighbour who keeps winding me up.


We moved in to our house 2 and half years ago and have nothing but problems with a real CHAV couple 2 kids and a staf!


The bloke lets his kids ride thier bikes over my drive way and flower bed! and parks his car accross my drive way!


I have had words with him about parking accross my drive and his just mouths off!


Back in Jan he come up to my house and mouthed off because the rado is to loud to drive at 8 in the evening (wakes his kids up!)



Well today he decided he would let his dog have a go at my cat!


My neighbour next door sad out your dog on its lead and he just laughed at her!


Why are some people complete twats!

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Give what you get mate. Im not saying two wrongs make a right, but I had a similar problem with a neighbour of mine when I move into our new house. He came round one time kicking off about nothing in particular, and then 2 weeks later I had another knock on my door and I went face to face with him even though he's twice my size, and I think it shocked him that I stood my ground as he wasent expecting it! Ive not had any trouble since! Stand your ground! Dont let anyone walk all over you, ever!

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Question: did the dog bite the cat? if so report it to the RSPCA who are duty bound to chase up every report.

Question: Does he park accross your drive when your car is on it? if so I believe you can report him to the authorities for causing an obstruction.


How about a Corrado meet at your place, say around 9pm ?

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I would say your best bet is to try and seclude your driveway, maybe fencing or equivalent which will stop the kids riding over your lawn.


If you fight fire with fire and they are dickheads you risk them damaging your car. Especially if he's not happy with the noise and waking their kids. I would say just be cool, keep an eye on things and try and just ignore them. Maybe drive into your driveway nose first so the exhaust isn't as loud buffeting against the walls.


I've run a Lettings business for a while and know too well what neighbours can be like. I know your probably thinking, where is the best place you could stand and shoot him without being seen! Lol


Seriously though, don't let him walk over you but remain calm.


Keep us posted on how you get on.

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Report him for letting dangerous dog of leash ,your rightsome people shouldn,t have children or pets collect evidence of him being a dick .Personally i wouldn,t let him get away with anything 9 out of 10 people who think they,re something aren,t but don,t no your circumstances

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  beastie4126 said:
Question: did the dog bite the cat? if so report it to the RSPCA who are duty bound to chase up every report.

Question: Does he park accross your drive when your car is on it? if so I believe you can report him to the authorities for causing an obstruction.


How about a Corrado meet at your place, say around 9pm ?


No the neighbour said the dog nearly got me cat, he is preaty fast and got away


I want a new exhaust to be a little louder :lol:


  Rams said:
I would say your best bet is to try and seclude your driveway, maybe fencing or equivalent which will stop the kids riding over your lawn.


If you fight fire with fire and they are dickheads you risk them damaging your car. Especially if he's not happy with the noise and waking their kids. I would say just be cool, keep an eye on things and try and just ignore them. Maybe drive into your driveway nose first so the exhaust isn't as loud buffeting against the walls.


I've run a Lettings business for a while and know too well what neighbours can be like. I know your probably thinking, where is the best place you could stand and shoot him without being seen! Lol


Seriously though, don't let him walk over you but remain calm.


Keep us posted on how you get on.


I need to get the fence back up after we did our drive way, the little ****s have damged the edging stones :(


The last time he mouthed off I follwed him because he wound me up so much! He doesnt scare me, he is just scum!


---------- Post added at 9:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 9:43 PM ----------


  anne t said:
Report him for letting dangerous dog of leash ,your rightsome people shouldn,t have children or pets collect evidence of him being a dick .Personally i wouldn,t let him get away with anything 9 out of 10 people who think they,re something aren,t but don,t no your circumstances


I know he deals weed, because i know someone who knows him.


Who do you report him to for a dangerous dog of the lead?

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Although not easy - I would politely ask his children directly not to ride their bikes accross your lawn and flower beds.


I would again ask nicely and politely if he would not park accross your drive without asking. I did this 4 times to my neighbours some years ago and on the 4th time adviced them I had been very nice, polite, but could not guarantee I would be if I had to ask again. Bizzarely they never parked there again, although I had already decided if I had to I would deliberatly go for for 2 - 3 minutes every thime they blocked me in if necessary.


AS already suggested report it to the authorities if necessary.


Have you considered he may be reacting to the noise of your car waking his children. Why not try to have a conversation to resolve the issues or at least minimise them ? If he is the sort to instantly shout, be very calm and try to reassure him you are trying to resolve this.


Of course I am not suggesting you change your exhaust but have others said you car is partically loud.


Good Luck and yes, if it all fails, I agree a 9pm meet at yours !!!

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sorry guy i really feel for robo 22 about 3 and a half years ago i had the biggest arsehole god put on the face of this earth, first dat he moved in he cracked my wall then hammered all day and up to midnight ,bearing in mind iboth of us worked nights , i use to sleep up the mountain in my car as it got unbearable , he throw golf ball from his bedroom window at my old 11 year old dalamation, he use to beat up his pregernat wife and row regugular, day and night, this guy was the total.f....... twat ,at 8pm when his child was born he bang my wall and bang my door as tv was loud bearing in mind i use to work 5 to 6 nights a week, in the end when he blocked my drive i asked him to move as my sons is a on duty fireman i get totally verbal, so finally one day too far enough was enough i took a baseball bat to the twat and this leveled all things also he was told by me while police where there i would finish him once and for all within two mounthgs he moved alsdo his sharpay dog who use to bark and **** everywhere was fed beefburgers with hot pepper and chilly powder also beef with tobassco sause was a good one one day too

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Do you have crimestoppers RSPCA,policefor dog and definately get fence back up

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yes also when he moved into the house he conned the elecrtic board and gas company and fiddle both meters and as for the fence once his dog got ill he finally put back up his fence

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  Wendy said:
Although not easy - I would politely ask his children directly not to ride their bikes accross your lawn and flower beds.


I would again ask nicely and politely if he would not park accross your drive without asking. I did this 4 times to my neighbours some years ago and on the 4th time adviced them I had been very nice, polite, but could not guarantee I would be if I had to ask again. Bizzarely they never parked there again, although I had already decided if I had to I would deliberatly go for for 2 - 3 minutes every thime they blocked me in if necessary.


AS already suggested report it to the authorities if necessary.


Have you considered he may be reacting to the noise of your car waking his children. Why not try to have a conversation to resolve the issues or at least minimise them ? If he is the sort to instantly shout, be very calm and try to reassure him you are trying to resolve this.


Of course I am not suggesting you change your exhaust but have others said you car is partically loud.


Good Luck and yes, if it all fails, I agree a 9pm meet at yours !!!


I have a standard exhaust :lol:


My neighbour either side have never said anything about my exhaust, this bloke lives 5 doors round the cul de sac!

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  robo22sri said:
I have a standard exhaust :lol:


My neighbour either side have never said anything about my exhaust, this bloke lives 5 doors round the cul de sac!


Well in which case I will come round, mine is not standard and can be considered burbly below 3000 revs and loud above. It nicely bounces off walls etc.

He would never complain about yours again. !! ;-)


I live in a rather quiet village and no one here complains - and - before anyone else says it - yes, they are too scared too !!!! ;-)

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i have to agree with beastie corrado meet round yours around 9pm Get the vr's revving loud tell him this is going to be a weekly thing haha . he sounds a right idiot your neighbour!

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  britpop95 said:
i have to agree with beastie corrado meet round yours around 9pm Get the vr's revving loud tell him this is going to be a weekly thing haha . he sounds a right idiot your neighbour!


I'll just bring the wife :)


goes and hides

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its so easy for the red mist to fall and just go nuts on the bloke, but try the softly softly hello nice neighbour appoach first of all, if that fails then just record what he's kids/he is doing and then go to the police/council.


today it was your cat, next week it could be Sarah if you dont play nice/brainy.

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Yeah civil approach is always best but if he shoots you down in flames by just asking if he has a few mins to talk then just record/photo stuff through your window without him seeing hopefully.


And defo get police informed if he has a staffi without a lead and aren't they supposed to have muzzles on in public?


It really grates me these wimps that walk around with pit bulls off the lead all the time trying to look Ard!

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  KIPVW said:
Yeah civil approach is always best but if he shoots you down in flames by just asking if he has a few mins to talk then just record/photo stuff through your window without him seeing hopefully.


And defo get police informed if he has a staffi without a lead and aren't they supposed to have muzzles on in public?


It really grates me these wimps that walk around with pit bulls off the lead all the time trying to look Ard!




Talk to him and record the conversasion... But I think its best on the street not on private property

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Report him for letting dangerous dog of leash



  KIPVW said:
Yeah civil approach is always best but if he shoots you down in flames by just asking if he has a few mins to talk then just record/photo stuff through your window without him seeing hopefully.


And defo get police informed if he has a staffi without a lead and aren't they supposed to have muzzles on in public?


It really grates me these wimps that walk around with pit bulls off the lead all the time trying to look Ard!



Sorry but these 'dangerous dog' comments are ridiculous and absolutely ignorant, reporting the dog to the police for chasing a cat? are you for real? If it was a collie or a labrador would you be labeling it a 'dangerous dog' and suggesting that it should have to wear a muzzle or that it should be reported to the authorities? You might as well just bump the poor thing off by whacking it over the head with your Daily Mails.


EDIT - Also, I'm one of these 'wimps' who walks my staff off her lead and without even a collar every single day apparantly 'trying to look ard' - if anyone would like my details so they can report me for having my 'dangerous dog' off a lead and without a muzzle feel free to contact me and Ill pass them on.

Edited by Walesy

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  Walesy said:
Sorry but these 'dangerous dog' comments are ridiculous and absolutely ignorant, reporting the dog to the police for chasing a cat? are you for real? If it was a collie or a labrador would you be suggesting that it should have to wear a muzzle or that it should be reported to the authorities? You might as well just bump the poor thing off by whacking it over the head with your Daily Mails.


EDIT - Also, I'm one of these 'wimps' who walks my staff off her lead and without even a collar every single day apparantly 'trying to look ard' - if anyone would like my details so they can report me for having my 'dangerous dog' off a lead and without a muzzle feel free to contact me and Ill pass them on.


Do you let your dog go running of and attack the neighbours pets then?


If I had a dog no matter what it's breed it would on a lead, you never know when it could get run over by running off


And if I see his dog on my property again it will get a size 10 right up its arse! Would you report me for kicking a dog?

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No, but my neighbours ducks have actually attacked my dog on a few occasions, perhaps I should report them to the police?


Would I report you for kicking my dog? no because I'm not a petty person, I would think you're an absolute thug though and let Karma deal with it, fortunately I don't live somewhere where people behave like that though.


Just to get it straight, I don't think it's right that your neighbour lets his dog chase your cat and if it's not under full control it should be kept on a lead regardless of whether it's a poodle, collie, retriever, or whatever! if it continues to cause problems then you should absolutely call the police/RSPCA - its the derogatory stereotypical and ignorant comments about staffs and their owners, suggesting that it's a 'dangerous dog' and that it should be muzzled purely because of it's breed, that I object to.

Edited by Walesy

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That's a fair comment, my bro has 2 stafs and they are fine

May neighbour just fits the stereo type chav twat :lol:

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I.ve had dogs for 20 years and unless i,m in a park etc.All my dogs are kept on leads no muzzles that way i,m in full control unless someone like yourself with the dog of the lead says the usual its ok it won,t do anything"and i,m not just blameing staffies mate it,s usually any breed "it,s the owners what if your dog chased a cat onto the road got knocked down could you forgive yourself !I,ve had rotties,staffies,american pitbull worse out the lot was a lab.i think the point robbo is trying to make if this dog was under control 1 problem solved .

yes i,ve had the that dog should be on a muzzle comments as well but that is ignorance as you say You do know if your dog gets attacked by another dog of the leash how would you feel

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well peronally i would never let any dog off its lead unless its in a quite park, what happens if your dog see's a cat or a bird etc etc on the other side of the road and it goes running over to play/attack?? and a car is coming down the road, yeh the dog could get run over and possibly killed, i could not live with myself for letting that happen.

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I've three Staffies and until last year that was 4 !


Over the last 15 years of staffie ownership I've learnt to live with the dangerous dog comments, the crossing the street and general misconception of the breed, your more likely to be bitten by a smaller yapping dog and I'd trust a Staffie with a child more than any other breed. They are in dog circles referred to as the "nanny dog" !


Personally keep mine on leads near any road as I'm paranoid and don't trust the stupid things not to walk onto the road, other owners I see walking along the road without leads isnt wise BUT as an owner you know how much road sense your dog has.


Would I encourage my dogs to chase cats? No, bloody stupid and asking for trouble!


Would I object to you booting my dog? Yes, you'd get booted.. Had it entered your garden and chased your cat then id condone you booting it up the backside as its not acceptable.


As with anything else it's a minority of hoodies that give the breed a bad name. Collies or labs biting kids don't make the news !


Dogs are only as well behaved as their owners choose.


I'll get off my Staffie soap box now ! :)

Edited by Macdaddy

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