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Bent trailing arm?

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Hi all,


Had a run in with a kerb the other day, lack of attention meant i mis judged turning into the local Sainsburys and the rear drivers wheel hit the kerb. I didnt hit it perpendicular just dead on - wheel rolled over the kerb as such but with a thud as it was a high kerb.


Nothing apparently damaged, even though i was expecting a flat tyre if nothing else. But no bent rim, not bust tyre. Just a rub mark on the tyre.


Now i dont know if it was like this before and it was so slightly that i didnt notice. But since then ive noticed the steering wheel being slightly off centre - im talking a couple of degrees out (2 minutes past 12 position), when on a straight road. if i put it dead centre the car drifts slightly to the kerb side. Not sure if this is just the camber of the road, but i have tried it on an apparent flat road with no/v little camber.


The car handles fine apart from this steering wheel position. Im sure the only 100% way to tell is get a laser alignment done. But is it possible ive bent the trailing arm, even slightly, or do they take more punishment than im giving it credit for. Any other symptoms to give me an idea?

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You're more likely to bend the stub axle than the trailing arm and even then, only if you impact the kerb very hard at an angle. As your wheel hit it square on, the tyre and / or wheel would bear the brunt.


Have you ever replaced the rear axle bushes? An impact that hard to a knackered old axle bush could have shifted it around a bit.


I would jack the car up and have a look. Rotate the wheel, check for bearing play etc etc, all the usual stuff.

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No the axle bushes havent been changed so yes, maybe they've been moved with teh impact.


To be honest im not sure if im just being paranoid or not - they wheels looks fine and i dont know if the steering wheel was slightly off centre before and i never noticed. Plus mix in the juddering/bouncy feeling im getting under my feet, it doesnt help me think something isnt wrong.


Can damage on the rear affect the steering anyway?

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check your camber and alignment yourself roughly, that should quickly point you to what's bent, all you need is some string and a spirit level,

get a piece of straight wood (batten is ideal) about the diameter of your wheels if you don't have a 2ft builders spirit level

car on level gound and check the camber, rim to rim, top to bottom, a couple of equal length bolts to stand the level/batten off the wheel face on the rim edge is handy


to check front/rear alignment and tracking (ideally with four axle stands) run string down both sides of the car at wheel centre height and measure equal distance from leading and trailing rim edge on the rear wheels, you'll soon see from the angle of the string to the side of the body and front wheels where the wheels/hubs are out of alignment


if it's already pulling then you'll get noticeable tire wear in no time too

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Can damage on the rear affect the steering anyway?

Yes. But only if the rear track / camber has changed, meaning the front wheels have to steer a little more in one direction to compensate. I.e. If your offside rear wheel is now toeing in more (pointing inboard), it will force the car over to the left a little and you would have to steer a little to the right to compensate.


That's why 4 wheel laser alignment is important and any change in the steering angle to keep the car straight shouldn't be ignored.


You should also slap yourself on the wrist for not doing the bushes!! Job number 1 for all new corrado owners should be a rebush throughout followed by a decent 4 wheel alignment. The difference this makes is profound.

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It'll be coming off the road in the winter and i have a list of things to do, i will add this :D


David - thanks i'll do this also. Id say the car was drifting gently rather than pulling though.

Edited by Critical_Mass

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