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Johnny H

My New Website.

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Hi all.


A friend of mine has just made me a website for my Barbers Shop (for free which was nice).


Just thought i would see what you think of it.


I know what some of you will say first lol.


Thanks Johnny



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very good! It's nice and quite classy. The colour scheme add very much to the professionalism. Good stuff!

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I just get a blank screen on my iPhone mate?


Oh yeah sorry it won't play on iPhones yet something to do with flash player

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i didn't think corrado's were hair dressers cars lol




couldn't resist that, site looks well :)

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Didn't realise people still made websites using flash anymore :) its a dieing technology, don't even have it installed on my mac anymore either... You may find that google wonk rank your website high if it cannot crawl your site for content, they may have improved on this over the years but was one of the reasons people switched to alternative technologies that's compatible with some of the most popular devices on the market :)

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Loving the name of the shop, Hair's Johnny. Inspired that is. Like the website as well, simple and straightforward.

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i didn't think corrado's were hair dressers cars lol




couldn't resist that, site looks well :)

They don't mate, but I'm a Barber so it's ok lol

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They don't mate, but I'm a Barber so it's ok lol


Whats the difference :shrug:


But web site looks good, very professional

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Didn't realise people still made websites using flash anymore :) its a dieing technology, don't even have it installed on my mac anymore either... You may find that google wonk rank your website high if it cannot crawl your site for content, they may have improved on this over the years but was one of the reasons people switched to alternative technologies that's compatible with some of the most popular devices on the market :)
Agree with Peter. I browse the net 99% of the time on my iPhone or iPad. Granted many people have pcs but worth bearing in mind that no mobile apple devices support flash and so your cutting off ALL mobile apple users.

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Whats the difference :shrug:


But web site looks good, very professional

1 drives a MX5 and 1 drives a Corrado lol


---------- Post added at 11:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 PM ----------


Agree with Peter. I browse the net 99% of the time on my iPhone or iPad. Granted many people have pcs but worth bearing in mind that no mobile apple devices support flash and so your cutting off ALL mobile apple users.


I know what your saying and we are sorting something out for iPhone,

Thanks for the feedback tho, keep it coming please

Thanks Johnny

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Nice calender :cool:


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


I thought someone would of said something sooner. Lol.

Edited by Johnny H

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