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Corrado no start :(

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All of a sudden my Car won't start :(


I got home, turned it off, (my fog light loom wasnt connected into the fusebox) and we connected it up, and since then it won't start.

weve removed the fog light loom and left it like that and it doesn't start (not sure if that could have something to do with it)

checked all of the fuses, replaced all of the relays with working ones that came out of my other corrado (spare, just in case)


I have a feeling i might have broke something behind the fusebox, its just so fiddly though.


Strange thing - When turning the ignition since, the fuel pump doesnt prime (just can't hear it)

and when indicating left, the indicators won't come on, but the light on the clocks will, and it sticks, indicating right does nothing, and putting on hazards makes light illuminate but no indicators are on.

Strange issue for wipers too, even when they aren't switched on, if I turn the ignition, they will move slightly, and doing anything with the stalk will make them move a tiny bit, then I will hear a strange buzzing noise from behind the clocks (not a relay on the fuse box)


Does anybody have any ideas im stuck :(

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Have you taken the dash undertray fully off? That way its a lot easier to access the rear of the fusebox. I would check your earths, sounds very weird soo many things have gone wrong at once. Might help to know what car you have and what age though

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i had this problem due to water getting into the back of the fuse box .this was on a 16v as above really need to take the undertray out ,check signs of water ingress

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Its a 1.8 16v sorry I should of mentioned lol!


G plate, and weve basically had the car stripped of its interior except carpet, the Dash is out lol. the undertray is off and fusebox is off the bracket making for easy access to the wires at the back, ive had a look and it doesn't look like there is water there, Ive got 2 spare fuseboxes anyway I could replace it with, but I would of thought replacing the fuses and relays would be the same thing. Ive checked my earths, before it was overheating and it looked like one earth was missing off the fusebox, connected the earth and the fan seemed to run :dance: lol the earth stopped my fan working silly me :(


but other than that I think the earths look fine.

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Found a bit of an issue, if the storks aren't completely screwed in, my fuel pump doesn't prime! (wut) so it primes but still doesn't start.


I will be looking at coil and ht leads etc

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