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Dorset VR6 - The Big Gnu

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After seven years owning my VR6 I've finally got around to making sure the old girl lasts the distance. There was a time when I had no choice but to use her all through winter with all the snow and blasted grit. As a result, she developed some nasty rust - mainly on the drivers door.

I picked up another door to replace the old one, invested in some new roof rails as the old ones had perished. She's just come out of the bodyshop after three weeks and the pics here show just how much work was done to her - and I thought she wasn't too bad! I've just picked her up and had a thrash through the Dorset scenery (I'm sure the paint has made her more slippery through the air?).


As with every motor, there's still more I want to do, with the wheels high on the list. Looking for a good (and cheap) refurb' outlet in Dorset as I can't stretch to the £80 + the dreaded I've been quoted per corner. Enjoy the pics...

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I haven't been completely idol since this last post. Still haven't got the wheels sorted, but there's new roof trim. However, I have started (in a small way) to tidy up the engine bay. I bought a couple of stainless radiator brackets from Dave. Simple to fit and look a treat. However, they really do show up how poor the rest of the interior of the bay is.The pictures are the before and after on the right side. The amount of crud that is in those wells that they sit in is serious, so I took the time to clear them as best I could and slooshed some WD 40 down there.

Any ideas what that small (rusty) sticky out bit is that sits under the rubber mount on the bottom of the sill?

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Hi bud, looking to get my corrado painted this year and was just wondering where you had it painted as it looks pretty sweet in the pics. I live in Poole so they might be local to me aswell. Hope you dont mind me asking but what did it cost for the repaint?

Cheers Kev

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Hi Kev,

It was Bodycare Accident Repair Centre Ltd. - 01202 887727. They were recommended by Gary Angell racing and brother who runs NOS and they do alot of their customers paint. I was pretty happy with the result - It was just over £1300. Not a full respray but involved a heck of a lot of work including prepping my drivers door as my old one was rusted out!

BTW check out Facebook - Southern Corrado Club. Pretty informal but there are weekly meets etc..

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Any ideas what that small (rusty) sticky out bit is that sits under the rubber mount on the bottom of the sill?


I think it keeps the radiator re-aligned to its original position after slight vibration movement.

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If that's the case, which way round does it go? I presume pointing forward? It was just wobbling around like a fat duck on a breezy pond!

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If you're talking about the rusty 'leg' that sits to the left of the bracket then yes you have it in the correct orientation. I think it stops the threaded fastener underneath turning when tightening up the bolt.

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So, the gradual foraging in the engine bay continues! I noticed that the bonnet prop was looking like it had some pox or other with the plastic coating chipped and rust showing on the steel rod. Taking a pair of pliers with a serrated nips removed the plastic coating neatly. I kept the coating on at the top as this was complete stops naked steel from damaging the bonnet. I also kept the lower part below the rubber stop as this was fine. After a hearty rub with wire wool I treated it to some anti-rust treatment.

The following day I created a spray booth out of some old plastic bags. Terrified of spraying engine/bodywork with black paint! The paint used was PJ1 Fast Black that I had from back in the day when I had motorbikes - most ended up black! This stuff is heat resistant and worked a treat on exhausts, so would do for a bonnet prop. Pretty pleased with the finished result.

While I was checking to ensure there were no rogue black bits anywhere, I decided to take the bonnet catch off which had 19 years of grease and smuts. It took a couple of evenings de-greasing and polishing. Hardly concourse condition, but much better than it was. Still want some new hose clips and some non rusty bits, but it's on it's way. Still need to get the bleeding wheels done! Always something else...


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