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Air Leaks in Vac System - Test / Repair Procedure

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I’ve been trawling over the forum and have found heaps of threads about idle problems associated with the G60, VR6, 16V etc (I’m currently having idling issues of my own with my C 92 16V 2.0). A lot of the threads were believed to be either ISV or air leak related in some way – I’d like to focus on the air leak side of things as they are often harder to diagnose. ISV's are easily cleaned and / or replaced.


Having accepted the fact I will now have to go over the entire vac system on my car looking for air leaks, dodgy seals, perishing pipe work etc to hopefully get to the root of my idle problem, I was hoping someone would be able to help me put a quick Test / Repair Procedure together which systematically takes the mechanic through the whole process?


The process itself shouldn’t be that difficult to do. My biggest concern is allowing too much air to get into the system which could potentially makes things worse for you later on. Is there a process we should follow when looking for air leaks / removing vac pipes etc? I bet there is.


Chip in whatever you can, the more info we have on this the better.




Ten Ton

Edited by tentonhammer

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