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Car starting

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Been having starting issues where the car tries to turn over but sometimes itll just die trying. If it does I have to go ignition off, on and then it normally starts.


D&G Autotech recommended I change the fuel pump, which I have, but it's still doing it.


I'm not very technically savvy, so apart from writing a blank cheque to a garage I'm not sure what to do next.


Could it be something affecting one cylinder like a spark plug, injector or coil pack???


I'll try and video it today if it does it and post up.




Edited by Pete

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What do you mean by tries to turn over? When you say it dies turning over I think starting circuit ie; starter/ign switch/battery.

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It kind of goes ch-ch-chug... and silence.


Ignition off, then on, ch-ch-chug and it starts.

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Does it make a difference if the car is warmed up, or is it anytime? Can't really suggest anything other than what's already been suggested. You might need to check for wiring faults/corrosion too. Does it always stop turning over so quickly?

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Anytime tony, it started during the rel warm weather we had about 5 weeks ago and hasnt gone away.


It's always the same which makes me think maybe it's specific to one cylinder/spark plug/injector.


Can you suggest any electric plugs etc I can spray with contact cleaner which might help? I don't know where all the wiring bits are located.

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I'm not convinced about a cylinder/plug/injector - I might have misunderstood, but isn't the problem that it stops turning over very quickly - no matter how long you hold the ignition in starter position, it only turns a for a second or two and then nothing? That's why I'd expect electrical fault of some description.

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Put a voltmeter on the starter trigger wire when it normally faults and see if you lose power when it stops turning. If it doesn't lose power then it must be the starter. If it does then check ign switch and wiring. Also check the permanent feed to the starter under the same conditions.

Edited by lewvw

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My alarm was stopping mine to start with but turns out it was 2 faults, now it turns over but doesn't fire . Auto electrician looked at it today and my ignition switch is fried. He applied a voltage down one of the outputs from the switch when turning the key and vrooooooom!!! ignition switch needs replacing . £10 to fix when it arrives .

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Sounds earth related, have a look at the earth wire on the starter motor and the chassis leg and just make sure it hasn't gone all crusty or ganky.


It doesn't sound fuel pump related because its just cutting out as its starting. If anything its going to be starter motor related, could be alarm related because its like its cutting all power suddenly. Definitely not spark plug, coil or injectors because its it would just spin over and not start.

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