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Main Crank Pulley Bolt ....is it left or right hand thread..?

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Evening chaps & chapesses,


Wanted to see if anyone could answer my question before I go trawling the net to find out.


Currently struggling with an extremely tight crank pulley bolt, we've tried, spanners, spanners with extensions, battery impact guns, air-line impact guns but nothing seems to want to shift it.


It's started to make me think, is it actually left hand thread and technically we are just tightening it..?


Or is it simply right hand thread and full on FT....?


Answers on a postcard appreciated and/or any info into how you undid yours successfully.


Cheers in advance.



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Thanks mate.


Tried again this evening with a couple of borrowed, slightly more hardcore Air Impact guns...still won't budge.


Anyone got any other ideas..? I'm thinking I need to find me a Lorry Mechanic with a tonk gun.

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