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Please tell me alot of you were bothered by the Osborne speech

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Rob you wrote what I could not be bothered to write.


I'm sure when Labour get in the magic wand will be waved and all will be hunky dory once more!......I must have been dreaming when I thought they presided over the biggest boom and bust this county ever saw?

Like I said in my first post....dyed in the wool!

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  Rob_B said:
So are you saying that both the main political parties are as bad as each other? This I do agree with.


I can understand why people think a revolution is the answer. What would happen if the government was over thrown though? Who would take charge? Genuine questions by the way.


Yeah they are both just as bad but one represents the rich and one (well supposedly ) working class, i know which id rather vote in.And as regards a revolution id re-construct the political system with fresh people and very very harsh punishment for politicians whos abuse there seats to make them do it right, also giving the people on mass after a vote to oust people if they are not giving what they promised would be good.Although politicians are all useless they have a fantastic job and oppertunity,make it easy for them to be punished a chucked to the kurb at the drop of a hat for abusing that and it makes for a better system with constant talent wanting to do well and stay there.The problem now is we are powerless to affect the decisions when ultimately we should have say on what they do and what issues they tackle, weither through a mass voting system or public area representatives staging smaller meetings to find its areas opinion.


I realy feel to summarise we should have some of the power back as a people to police their decisions and prevent corruption.Put the fear of god in them if they make selfish or non morally right decisions for the country and it promotes a better goverment,they are untouchable now and the whole party system needs reform to as at present its always a 3 horse race and cant change.


I know its hard to grasp but ill keep preaching until the nation comes round to it and everyone wants to make it better rather than put up,the masses are a powerful thing

Edited by corrado_sunderland

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So you are saying you will keep on untill you get what you want?

Well it's not what I want!

So how is that fair? Perhaps you could try stamping your feet or jumping up and down?

We live in a democracy not an autocracy! Nor do I want to live in one. No doubt you will get your choice when the next election is called. So mean time suck it up and stop being a whinging pom, to quote a good Aussie phrase!

Perhaps you would do better in some communist or middle eastern basket case country? I hear Iran is nice in the spring.

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  Toohottotrot said:
So you are saying you will keep on untill you get what you want?

Well it's not what I want!

So how is that fair? Perhaps you could try stamping your feet or jumping up and down?

We live in a democracy not an autocracy! Nor do I want to live in one. No doubt you will get your choice when the next election is called. So mean time suck it up and stop being a whinging pom, to quote a good Aussie phrase!

Perhaps you would do better in some communist or middle eastern basket case country? I hear Iran is nice in the spring.




Its not about getting what you want,its about people wising up as i feel my view is the future.My view people would be tret better and be happier overall in theory,your view we keep in this ****ed up mess....i know where id rather be,and i feel its the duty of generations to try make it better for their kids.


The world is going backwards ethically and morally now and a mass want for change is all that will ever right it,i dont think as a species well be around much longer with out current behavior,which of course i dont want to happen.

Edited by corrado_sunderland

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A change of government is one thing but a fundamental change in the way we govern is never really going to happen, not in our or our childrens, childrens lifetime. I can't think of one country with a better system of government than the UK or any other western style democracy. Yes I agree it has many flaws, but then nothing is perfect? I don't think there is any other country with a welfare state or national health service to touch the UK.

And therein lies the problem, it's too big and too expensive. We are handing out benefits to people that have never contributed in their lives. If you are a native of this country and you fall ill or on hard times then of course you should be looked after. But we are looking after sick people from across the globe and handing beer money to people that have never, and will never work a day in their lives. Something needs to be done, the working people can't afford to keep paying.

The main problem is "nimbyism" (is that a word?) i.e people don't want cuts to affect them.

But something must be done, as has already been said in this thread.....when you are struggling and in debt, the last thing you should think of is borrowing more money.

Edited by Toohottotrot

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  Toohottotrot said:
A change of government is one thing but a fundamental change in the way we govern is never really going to happen, not in our or our childrens, childrens lifetime. I can't think of one country with a better system of government that the UK or other western style democracy. Yes I agree it has many flaws, but then nothing is perfect? I don't think there is any other country with a welfare state or national health service to touch the UK.

And therein lies the problem, it's too big and too expensive. We are handing out benefits to people that have never contributed in their lives. If you are a native of this country and you fall ill or on hard times then of course you should be looked after. But we are looking after sick people from across the globe and handing beer money to people that have never, and will never work a day in their lives. Something needs to be done, the working people can't afford to keep paying.

The main problem is "nimbyism" (is that a word?) i.e people don't want cuts to affect them.

But something must be done, as has already been said in this thread.....when you are struggling and in debt, the last thing you should think of is borrowing more money.



You hit the nail on the head why it gets me so mad though,we have a excellent system thats slowing going and the very public and voting it in because idiots are been played against eachother, like benifits.What we have no along with the nhs is as it should be and can work easily if we a) stop spongers entering the uk and b)so the management level nightmare in the nhs. People arent moaning about that though they are moaning about who on benefits,well loose all weve worked hard to have by been played of eachother instead of saying hold on,this is your fault you corrupt ****ers sort your **** out and stop ****ing on us.


It may take generations but younger generations needs educating right again over time, and the plebs wil fade over time,the immigration issue would be simple too,kick all the non contributing people out and say no skill sets no admitance. Sort all this and wed be comfortable and we wouldnt need to be so heavily targeted by the government.

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