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Simon vr6

Wanted :- VR6 Starter Motor

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Hi Guys am lloking or a starter motor for my VR6 if any ones got one lying about thats in good condition.

Let me know


Cheers Simon

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I'm breaking a car with John Croozin on here and in fully working order . I'll get John to contact you. We are Bournemouth/Poole based if that's near you?


It's his VR6, we are planning to start removing bits tomorrow and will be advertising all the rest.




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Hi Rams, if you could let me have the starter motor that would be awesome. Need it ASAP though as am without my Rado until I replace the motor! Not near Bournemouth or Poole as im in the Midlands, any chance of posting??



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All items will be for sale buddy, nothing is being given away as its Johns car and I'm helping sell and dismantle the car. If you are interested in buying it I will ask John what he would want....



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Definitely would pay for it think that came across wrong! Let me know a price, it would help if i could get this part asap!



All items will be for sale buddy, nothing is being given away as its Johns car and I'm helping sell and dismantle the car. If you are interested in buying it I will ask John what he would want....



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ive got one if you still need one

I dont mind who I get the starter motor from just need one asap! Let me know and I will send payment



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