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rear speaker fitment issue

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Okey another Corrado madness. In my attempt to replace everything that is broken or doesn't work I decided to replace tired rear speakers. Same as my front-right the rear-right one was blown. So checked all details at it says everywhere that rears are 6x4 so... shopped online and bought JBL GTO6428. This arrived today, so took old speakers out and try to replace with the new ones... ehm.. they are twice the size of the old ones! I mean have a look...



Tried to somehow fit them, and it seem there is no way! I would have to cut the plastic bottom part of the tray... and I'm still unsure if it will fit anyway!


So what are my options? I thought all speakers as long as size is same (6x4, etc..) will fit. Did I just burn money for no good reason? Should I look for another set of speakers or should I cut that plastic? I'm bit annoyed, as when was doing research it said these speakers will fit Corrado... I just can't see how?


I just want something that works, is not in your face and doesn't cost fortune. Did I missed something really obvious? Any ideas?


ps. On the pictures you can see there is some sort of black plastic surround going around the speaker? Can I chop it off as well ? This would safe me at least 1cm. As you can see I'm desperate.


Ideally I would sell them off for cheap and get some direct fitment... if such exist?

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I may do that... just when was looking at it - there is that top mount rubber cover in a way as well. Not sure, would I have to remove that also? Is it OK to remove that rubber cover? I'm just unsure if all 6x4 speakers are so big... or I just was unlucky and went for like the biggest of them all? Was really expecting them to just fit straight in.


To be honest after all the hard work I had with replacing the door speakers, this looked like a walk in the park.. well last famous words :)

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I think that plastic surround is there so that the tweeter (if that's what it is) in the middle won't get damaged.

The magnets are a lot bigger than the standard speakers, so you'll have to chop under the cradle, IIRC.


I had to do the same, just cut it neatly with a jigsaw. You'd never even notice :)

I think you'd struggle to find 6x4's with the same puny magnet size as the standard speakers

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yeah i recently replaced the rear speaker shelves and was fairly amazed at how bodged in the upgraded speakers were into my existing shelves (probably why they rattled and squeaked so much) sorted that out though with some fiddling


in regards to your new speakers which have a plastic face surrounding the top of the speaker im gonna go as far to say you will find it almost impossible to fit them with the plastic lip as the speaker shelf had a sort of basket underneath the speaker shelf where the arse of the speaker hangs(Where your is labelled GT6428) and this is a pretty snug fit for my speakers


just take the shelves out the car and trial with you new speakers and see how you get on (much easier to fit this way)

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I'll have a go on this again over the weekend. Will remove the shelves and will see what I can do with that.


Was just needing some advice, as didn't wanted to just cut things out and then end up with buying different speakers anyway. If you say I will struggle with any other modern speakers as most of them are on the big size, then I shall make the existing ones work somehow.

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I've got a set of Longmill 6x4s which fit in a beauty. I've never wired them up though as I'm using all four channels on the front speakers.

If you're interested then I'll run then up and check that they're good. If not I'll get some pictures up, they may help.

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No good I'm afraid.

Removed speaker shelf and trimmed plastic, all nice and clean. Due to size of magnet and that additional "plastic lip" on new speakers", even after trimming it will not go in. Basically there is not enough clearance available to slot them into shelf. Picture may represent this a bit better:



I'm going to sell these JBL GTO6428 (4x6") speakers and will get something else. Whats this set of Longmill 6x4 you have? Can't find anything on internet?

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I'm going to sell these JBL GTO6428 (4x6") speakers and will get something else. Whats this set of Longmill 6x4 you have? Can't find anything on internet?


They were probably pretty cheap to be honest, but sounded quite good when I had then in another car. I'll get a picture up when the camera will talk to the pc..

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Ralphead any rough idea of price you would wish for yours and maybe some photo?


I'm not after amazing sound tbh... I imagine 6x4" cannot really deliver proper sound, especially when there is no amp in the car. I just need something to fill the sound from the back a bit.


Looked at the speakers joe posted "Pioneer TSA-4613i" but at the price tag of £50, I'm just unsure atm. There are so many places where I can burn money on my car, seems speakers are somewhere down on the list. That's why after some thinking would prefer getting some cheapos and be with it, until I can convince myself into something better.


Also, regarding Pioneer "TSA-4613i" do I need any special equipment (crossovers or whatever its called) or it's just a direct fit? These are 3-way, where my door ones are 2-ways, can you mix it up like that? Having in mind there is no amp in my car. I have a Pioneer DEH-P4100SD headunit tho.

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Also, regarding Pioneer "TSA-4613i" do I need any special equipment (crossovers or whatever its called) or it's just a direct fit?

You don't need any special equipment, they just plug straight in.


Any 6x4 speakers that you go for aren't going to be incredible, they just aren't that big.

But I'm happy with the pioneers, sound much better than those awful standard ones :)


I tried the rears on their own (disconnected the front's) and I was more impressed than I thought I'd be.

If you look at the specs, they aren't too shabby, and they have a broad frequency response.


For the sake of an extra £15 on the JBL's, it's not really that bad :)

You could always sell the JBL's on fleabay

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