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Metering Head Problems 2.0 16v

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Hi there just wondering if anyone with the 9A engine has had as many problems with the metering head as i have.

After over two years of ownership had just put my third one on, always the same fault and every time i get a new one on its cures the fault and runs beautifully for about 4-5 months and then does the same thing again.

Just got the last one from someone on here which works fine and is keeping her on the road. Wondering if anyone has had similar problems and if they can be refurbed in a way maybe. They are old parts now so I'm thinking I've just been unlucky and they've just failed with them running for quite long periods.

Apart from this the car is perfect and I've pretty much had nothing else go on it, also replacing a large number of stuff because of its age and looking at similar problems that others have had on the forum.


The fault is lack of power and will only give full throttle or none at all, starts every time but after a few miles the car will not partially throttle and it sounds like the engine is being choked of air and just won't go, then it will violently accelerate again (so bad it has killed the front engine mount), the idle also drops and it sometimes just cuts out altogether. Disconnecting the sensor on the side of the metering head when the engine is warm will put it in a kind of default mode and it will drive and idle just fine.


At the moment it runs ok but don't think i could take it going again, also it gets me to work so bit of a nightmare sometimes. If any of you guys have any advice it would be greatly appreciated.

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I'd check the fuel tank and filter, just to rule out any water in the tank, it plays havoc with k-jet/ke-jet systems. Other than that the meteriing heads should be very reliable although I'm not sure if the control pressure regulator on the side of the ke-jet metering head can have any problems.

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That is pretty much the only thing i haven't done yet is change the filter, been done in the past by the previous owner several times though. Now at the moment it runs lumpy until it gets warm, then its fine. The idle drops but doesn't stall and it just feels unsettled.

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Sounds to me like your differential pressure regulator is getting the incorrect signal. Get an ammeter in series with the 2 pins. (on the right hand side of the metering head) When running warm on idle it should have an alternating milliamperes of +/-1 ma. Will almost certainly be the lambda has failed. To check this get the ammeter reading working then clamp the front engine breather and milliampage should shoot up or down. If it doesn't do this the lambda may be broken.

Hope this helps.


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