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Front Splitter - Shorter type.

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I'm in need of a front splitter. The shorter type as my larger one is getting nailed on my new driveway. Closer to Sheffield the better unless you can post.



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I've got a 50mm, but doubt it would survive posting


Should be alright I would have thought? It's slightly flexible? As long as its wrapped in a cardboard tube or something stiff with "Do Not Bend - Fagile" in big bold writing it'll be ok..? And fully insured :)

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I have Spoonfed 70mm,never been fitted if intrested,would like what i paid for it THANX ANNE

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no problems would just like what i paid for it ,need to ask BILL THANKS WILL POST UP SOME PICS LATER

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no problems would just like what i paid for it ,need to ask BILL THANKS WILL POST UP SOME PICS LATER


They were £112 plus postage, best thing to use for posting is a golf bag box, available from your local friendly golf shop :p postage was around £15 with RM 48hr insured

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I'd rather not risk posting one for the time being, I'll hold out for one closer :)

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Arrggghhh, tempted.. I'm just reluctant as I've seen the past few go for £20 and I've missed out by minutes each time! Damn it! :)

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