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Stolen bbs soliute

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Sadly somebody has stolen my wheels betwen 4-5pm. They only arrived today at 10am and the driver left them in the residential hall.

I came back from work at 5pm and they gone. Last person who saw them was my wife at 4pm.

Please if any one will see them on ebay or gumtree please inform me, they all had Avon winter tyers on.



Can somebody place this post on Edition38 on my benhalf plese.



Edited by karmannski

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How many people have access to the residential hallway mate? Can you narrow down any possible suspects? Does the hallway or outside have CCTV?

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5 more flats has got the acces to the hallway, I have contaced police and hopefully they will check CCTV. Hopefully they will find somoething on the tape. It could be any one the area wher I live is dominated by people on benefits who our not working. The got plenty of time to watch other families. Anyway please keep your eyes open.

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Have you knocked on any of the other doors just to see if they might know anymore about where they might have gone? I will keep an eye out on the forums bud.

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