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Roger Blassberg

Handbrake lever support bracket broken

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Troubles seem to come along like No 92 buses, none for a long time, then several at once!!


The latest is that I pulled up on the handbrake yesterday and the support bracket/plate spot-welded to the floor under the central console has completely fractured around the front fastener, fatigued after all these years of stress reversal. The lever is now restrained only by the rearmost captive stud and obviously does not tension the cables any more.


Is the support bracket a catalogue part, or is it just a case of getting a tame welder to fabricate and fit a repair plate? Obviously it is out of sight so it doesn't have to be a perfect work of art.


Best wishes



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When I had this happen, I made a repair part using rectangular piece of steel and a nut.


Either side of where mine broke there are steel strips running front to back. My repair bracket slid under these, with a nut which I could then bolt the handbrake bracket on to. Very hard explain, and I have no photos - sorry. If you post a photo of yours I can download it and mark it up to show how I repaired mine.

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