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bentley Workshop Manual

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Not having much luck getting a reasonably priced Bentley Manual. Has anybody had luck with buying one online?



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Just noticed the one advertising on our forum £9.99 , bit of a pain having to print off the pages when

you need now n then , but once you have down loaded it at least you have it .

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Yeah I scanned mine into the laptop to save me getting it dirty and I like to back things up like that for personal use.

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Yeah I scanned mine into the laptop to save me getting it dirty and I like to back things up like that for personal use.


I love that quote Jim. A workshop manual that has been scanned to stop the original getting dirty. Now that's commitment to the cause :)

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Surely scanning for your own use wouldn't be classed as this? I'm sure the wording is reproduction for distribution or sale.


No that's ok but this was a post telling people where it could be downloaded from - we've already been threatened with legal action once from Bentley Publishers!

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MOD EDIT - Please do not encourage copyright piracy on this forum!


apologies my bad... didn't realize it was such a sensitive matter


also i didnt tell people where they could get it from, they would require my details to get it......

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Not having much luck getting a reasonably priced Bentley Manual. Has anybody had luck with buying one online?




What do you consider reasonable?


I have a Bentley manual that is now surplus to requirements.

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No that's ok but this was a post telling people where it could be downloaded from - we've already been threatened with legal action once from Bentley Publishers!

Hope i havent or wont cause any problems as it was me who said to download it , but its advertised on our forum page ?, only had a quick look at it , have they robbed it from bentley and just changed words and pics around so its not the same ?. Obviously they cant do the same because of copy rights .

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