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Mystery cable near airbox

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So I was just tinkering around in the corner with the airbox (investigating, because what I seem to have from a previous owner is a rectangular frame holding sponge?) and I've found what seems to be a wire that just... terminates at copper (now green copper oxide). It was sitting down the side of the airbox and there was quite a lot of copper oxide powder there too. I've swept it clean, but anyone know what the cable is?


Here's a shot of the end of the cable. It's green but the camera didn't pick that out right. You can see some of the green staining on the cable wrap stuff and the body below, where it has been sitting until now.



Here's where it comes from: http://cl.ly/image/1M3y1p242X1r


Also, is this what my ambient temp sensor should be connected to? Since I had the bumper replaced, the temp sensor says -40 on the dash so I believe that means it's not connected. Is this the connector? Hopefully, I have a sensor and just need to hook it up :)



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Not sure on the first one, but that second one could well be the sensor plug. The sensor itself has a push-clip that clips into a small round hole on the driver's side of the lower bumper grille.

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Last photo is the ambient temp sensor.


Previous pair, wiring sleeve looks newer than the rest of the wiring although that does look like a 'proper' VW crimp on the end on the first photo - just missing a plug! As for what its for, not too sure, it might be the remains of an upgraded headlight loom.

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Thanks both. For now I just wrapped some insulating tape round the end of that single wire (although it apparently hasn't been causing any problems so far) and tucked it out of the way.


Where would I find the temp sensor? Can I reach it without dismantling things too much? I had a squint through the grille under the fog/indicator lights and couldn't see anything likely.

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Dependant on model, but it is roughly in the same area, look at the O/S/F of the car, at the underside of the bumper, if you look at the lower grille area you should see a bulb shaped piece of plastic through the grille.

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