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G60 clutch slave cylinder

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I had a quick go at removing this today but found one of the bolts holding it in place would not come fully out as its path is blocked by the gear shifter mechanism. I know ive got to move this out of the way so whats the easiest way to do this. There seems to be 2bolts holding it down to the gearbox. Is it a simple case of removing these and moving it enough to wiggle the slave bolt out.?


Im going at this tomorrow and I dont want to damage anything by being ignorant and ham fisted.


Thanks guys.

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Yeah im moving the shifter. Just wanted to know how. I can see 2 bolts holding it down onto gearbox. As Ive said I only had a quick go at it today. Apologies If im making it sound more complicated than it actually is. I could not remove the bolt despite trying all the gears. Reverse seemed to give the most room but still not enough to get the bolt out. Im physically going to have to unbolt the shifter mechanisim and move it out of the way. I just wish a so called simple job would actually BE simple for once. I understand the VR6 has more room so this problem isnt an issue.

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I did this today and yes I did make it sound more complicated than it was. In order to get bolt out I simply removed the bolt that the shifter pivots on. Its got an allen key securing it at one end and 13mm bolt on the other. For anyone doing this job it all becomes obvious when you actually get stuck in.


Ive got a slave snd master cylinder ordered. I will also nake up a modified brake line to replace my perished slave cylinder flexy hose. Unless anybody had a better idea. ?

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