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Please help me 17978

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Hi everyone could someone please give me some advice. Last Friday I had two new rear abs sensors and a calaper fitted which has sorted out my abs fault. But on the same day propably coincidental the car had a violent loss of power and started stuttering so turned the engine off and then back on and was fine for the rest of the journey.


Since then it has been very hard to get started in the morning and after work. It fires up and then immediately cuts out again and takes about ten goes before staying on and running. It has also once while just driving along at about 2k revs in forth gear just lost it's revs completely but didnt stall and then came back on by its self. And has also done the violent loss of power a couple more times and now started cutting out completely sometimes at junctions.


I had it plugged in on Friday at work and only came up with one fault wich was "17978 P1570 engine controle unit blocked" so we cleared the fault and then I had it plugged in again yesterday at the local vw garage where my abs was done and it said the same thing.


I have searched the fault codes on here and in google and it seems to be an immobiliser fault, the thing it my car has a Clifford 650 alarm and immobiliser fitted wich has been on the car and working fine since I bought the car, so I'm not sure if what I've read applies to my issue. I say this because other things I've read seem to be when other people change something to do with the ecu they get this fault but I haven't touched it apart from the abs.


My car is a 2.0 8v. If anyone could please help me out it would be much appreciated because I am really worried that it is going to let me down cos I need it for work and it's only my second week in tommorow so I dnt particually want to be breaking down.


Cheers guys, Tom.

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Tried another key?


Being a late car you'll also have a factory immobiliser and this can suffer connection issues to the reader coil to the key - search on here for the WD40 fix!


Could also be a faulty ECU relay, bad battery etc


Also look at what was done that day when the ABS was fixed - was anything disturbed like the ECU relay etc??

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Cheers bud I'll try my other key tomorrow and see if that makes a difference.


Where abouts on the car is the ECU relay?


Also there is a little switch with two buttons on under my drivers shelf and is something to do with the Clifford alarm (but not quite sure exactly what it dose? I think something to do with a pass code?) I checked the two wires on it today and one is slightly split. I dnt know if this could cause my issue? I was going to cut and fix it today but wasn't sure if dissconecting would mess up the alarm system and cause me even more problems lol.

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3rd one from the top left - usually 30/32 or 109 - check the date on it, if it's original then change it anyway.


That switch on cliffords is usually just to turn the sound / bleep on or off and put into Valet mode but it could do anything!

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Sound thanks man I'll check that relay tomorrow, where can u get a new one from?


I'll have to check on the Clifford manual to see exactly what it dose aswell.

While u mentioned it what exactly is valet mode? Lol

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3rd one from the top left - usually 30/32 or 109 - check the date on it, if it's original then change it anyway.


I've checked that realay and it is a number 30. But it is White and all the others are either black or gray dose this sound right?



I'm still having these problems so if any body else could give me some words of wisdom it would be appreciated :)

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