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To repair or to break that is the question??

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Hi everyone,


I have a question that I need help answering as I'm torn at the moment with what I should do,I have been a happy vr6 corrado owner for a number of years and I just love my car,it's metallic black,Full black leather interior,completely standard engine wise but with a few mod's such as full stainless exhaust,lowered on Koenig high sports and fk rear lights,It's been my pride and joy for a number of years but I took it off the road a few years ago as it needed some work doing to it and I naturally wanted to keep the mileage down,Well it would appear that my attempts to keep it running well have fallen by the wayside as it has developed a oil leak,not really that much of a problem but annoying to say the least,there is also a tiny bit of rust on the front wing which again is not a major issue.The thing is I have just walked passed my garage and found its been forced open,car is on bricks,wheels tyres,stereo nicked and wiring ripped out..I'm soo gutted,as much as I love this car and I really do I'm not sure if I can afford to put it back together again..I would hate to break it, even without wheels it too good to break really but I feel if I spend all this money repairing it the chances are it might get done over again!! I have not got a clue what to do...

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Took 4 years to rebuild mine, it was unloved and needed headgasket, chains, matrix etc. doing before it drove, engine has been out twice, and had to do front sub frame and all brake hard lines too




No matter what condition its in there is hope, you can easily get a new stereo, and pick wheels up cheap enough, so start looking for parts, you don't have to rush, as I say, mine was a 4 year project and its drives superb.

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If you love it just take your time and get it back to the way you had it bit by bit when you have the funds. Sounds like you've been taking care of it and it's got some nice bits. I'd hang onto it if you don't need cash badly and have somewhere to keep it.

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As said above, sounds like you should keep it and fix it - though I guess it might depend what damage if any has been done to the body. Wheels will be relatively cheap to sort out, for a temporary set at least. Stereo and wiring shouldn't be a problem, not a significant cost - though the dash/centre panel may have been damaged?


Are you able to beef up the security on the garage?

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Take your time getting it back out there. Don't break it, as has been mentioned 15" alloys and tyres cheap enough, likewise stereo. Reinforce your garage door with better security is the key going forward. Best of luck with it anyway

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Least they put it on bricks, and not dropped it on the floor damaging brake disks and bodywork.

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Hello Smokiee,


sorry to hear about your Corrado VR6

that's the only thing with a nice car or any thing nice you just can't leave it any where now days.


You've got to ask your self what that classic car really means to you deep down,

and if you've still got the passion and drive :confused: If so then please get her back to her original glory.


Do you remember the first time you drove your Corrado and the sound of that VR6 :shocked!:

and what about every time you parked her up at home or at work,

and found your self staring at her from every angle :luvlove:


If you've still got that sparkle in your eye like most Corrado owners have,

then PLEASE PLEASE use it.

What about Rocky Balboa her never stayed down when he got knocked,

and the A-Team were always able to build something out of nothing.


I've owned my Corrado for just over 11 years and I'm still working on her now, call it work in progress.

I don't have the amazing VR6 but have a 16 valver and have a few spare parts to hand.


I don't have the A-Teams number but what I do know is that,

there are loads of ladies and gents on here who would be happy to help you out I'm sure,

to get her back to her original glory.


Go on mate put her back together and put two fingers up to the sods that tried to take her from you.


Please don't let another Corrado VR6 go to the grave :doc:


Keep your chin up mate we're all counting on you to keep the VR6 Corrado alive :thumbleft:

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Thanks for the replys everyone..


It does seem that there is a lot of love for these cars still,and certainly more than enough love on here lol..

I think I will keep it and see what I can do to get it back on the road,my friend has some spare wheels that I can put on it atleast so I can move it out of the gargage to assess the damage,it doesn't appear to have any major damage to the dash board but its too dark in the garage to see anything as there is no lighting, so again until its wheeled out I can't really see what's been done..I really don't think I will leave it in there as I just think it will get done over again.Its about a block away and I can't keep a eye on it or hear anything,it's also dark and out of the way, so perfect cover for such people to do it again..Im going to move it hopefully to my dads if he will let me until I find somewhere safer..know that people know its in that garage I just don't feel it's safe anymore..


Anyway onwards and upwards I guess as they say,I will keep you updated with what's going on and I will see if I can put a picture up of its previous glory days..


Once again thank you for all your replys,I think it's the passion that you guys have and the williness not to let another corrado be broken down to bits that has given me the boost to put my one back on the road,with fewer and fewer on the road I guess it would be criminal not to fix it up..I best get to raiding that money jar I think ;).

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Top man Smokiee you'll soon be smoking those tyres again,

good to hear you're going to keep your VR6 purring, nice one :thumbleft:


Yeah if you can mate it might be safer to keep your Corrado at your dad's place.


If you can get hold of some secondhand cheap wheels just so you'll be able to move the car,

worst case you could tow your Corrado to your dad's place or a mate's place,

and sort the dash / wiring out at a later date,

at least then your car will be in a much safer place.

Plus will give you some time to save a little money up to get her back to how she was.


Like I say I've been working on my Corrado for just over 11 years,

and I've had it all from :D :scratch: :( :nurse: :mad: :sleeping: :idea: :dance:


Si :thumbleft:

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Hi guys,



Well just a little update,it's been a little while I know but I finally managed to get some cheap speed lines on the car and rolled it out of the gargage.Im now more unsure now if its worth repairing as I have noticed that the chassis rail on both sides is bent where it has been dropped,Does anybody know if it's repairable or even if it will pass a mot?.It looks more like the outer skin rather the rail itself so it could just be cosmetic,I have no idea if that could even be bashed out? Any ideas would be helpful :).


Thanks Pete :)

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Hi Mate,


I am probably about to (very reluctantly) break my VR - I know this is a bit 'do as I say, not as I do' but I think you should sort it out and repair rather than breaking. It sounds like you have a bit of space to do it in, and aren't in a massive rush to get it sorted (i.e I am guessing you have other transport if you haven't used it for a while anyway) so you can do it to suit you. I have no space, no money, no house (long story) and no working vehicle, so don't have too much choice!


If there are any bits that you need to get it up and running I would happily donate to the cause for nowt if it is stuff that you need to get it back on the road and I end up having it lying around after breaking mine, and if it means another could stay on the road.


Whereabouts in the country are you, I am sure that there are people around who would lend a hand for cups of tea and bacon sarnies.


Without seeing what you mean about the chassis rail damage, it is difficult to know, but if it is just the outer sills have been dented a bit, it shouldn't mean a write-off - get some pics up so people can have a look

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Whats the latest here? Are you still moving with this and have you taken DAN95x offer up?

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Really sorry to read about this. Hope you get up and running again soon. One thing puzzles me though is why your alarm didn't go off when the sods were hoisting it up on bricks - or doesn't your car have an alarm. :scratch:

Edited by VR-Sixy

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