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Back on the road at last!

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After 3.5 long weeks of bloody hard work (and god knows how much money on new parts) I finally dragged her out of the garage and took it up the road.


The flywheel is going to take some getting used to , the engine speed rises and falls REALLY quickly, so it takes some getting going to pull away without stalling it. Gear linkage needs adjusting though, it's tough to get 1st and 2nd (so I was probably pulling away in 3rd!). revs drop a bit between gears too unless you're quick, so I'll have to get used to that too.


I can definitely feel the loss of torque now the schrich vgi isn't on (off for polishing), but once I found the right gear and wound it up it nearly snapped my head off! wel impressed with how it picks up.


It's a totally different car now though, so it'll take me a week or so to get a feel for it all again and learn it's limits and how to drive it again.


Giving it a thorough check over in the daylight in the morning to make sure nothing else falls off (the PS pulley came off!! I hadn't tightened the bolts up becasue I'd just painted the pulley when I'd fitted it)


So all being well, it'll be fine for Inters.


The polished speedline wheels look the absolute dogs bollocks too, not bad for £100 with tyres!


I'm over the moon! :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D 8) 8)

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Nice to see some of these project cars start to break cover.. i've been following this one (like a lot of the others) with interest, looking forward to seeing it finally hit the road.


Can't wait to see it at some show or other this year :)

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Really pleased for you, been following your progress along with everyone else no doubt. You'll be able to really enjoy the weekend now! 8)

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well done mate nice pic for all of us on here ???? ;) ;)


Nice to see some of these project cars start to break cover.. i've been following this one (like a lot of the others) with interest, looking forward to seeing it finally hit the road.


Yeah all these guys with projects and still not finished its just silly I say keep the car standard myself :roll: :D :wink: :lol:

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