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Clutch stuck

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Yesterday parked up with car in reverse gear pointing forward down a slight slope.

This morning pressed in clutch to let the car roll forward, nothing happens.

Pushing in clutch pedal, action seems normal, but clutch is not disengaging so car won't move.

There's no sign of any fluid leaks & the reservoir is full.


I've read on here of slave & master cylinder problems, neither of mine have been replaced, but usually the pedal doesn’t return from the floor which is not the case in mine. It had a new clutch fitted last year. '95 VR6.


Any thoughts or ideas how I can diagnose what's wrong? Has anyone seen these symptoms?

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Have you checked to see if the brakes are binding or that the handbrake isn't releasing?

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Could be down to the spring lever inside the gearbox. Looked at mine and seemed a bit filmsy. There is a grommet you can pull out and look in gearbox. Might be able to see what is happening

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nrc: It didn’t seem to be the brakes or handbrake as I couldn't get it to come out of reverse gear.


I jacked up the front nearside corner and rocked the wheel by hand, then tried again and it came out of gear without any problem!


Jim : Unfortunately I only found that grommet on the gearbox after I'd got it out of gear, that would have been useful to see was the clutch moving or not and would have let me know whether the master/slave cylinders are ok.

The car's not been used much since, I guess I'm going to have to clock up some miles to see does it happen again.

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