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Fuel pump dead

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5 mins into my journey to manchester with the gf and the raddo started stuttering under acceleration. Then cut out completly at a junction with turn off for motorways. Managed to coast for around 500yards a laybay. Tried a few things while I was waiting for my dad but to no avail car turns over but doesnt fire up. Got a tow home and tried a few more things grounded a sparkplug to chasis and that worked fine, fuel pump relay and ecu relay ruled out as tried spares.

Took off the two fuel pipes in the engine bay and turned ignition nothing came out even when turned over

So got the bentley manual out and tested wiring at fuel pump all good get voltage when switch ignition on and when ignition is turned. But no 1 sec noise from pump.


Quick questions


Am I supposed to get fuel coming through pipes in engine on turning ignition on?

I thought yes but wanted to be sure

Fuel pump best place to get one?

Any other ideas?




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Yes you should have fuel coming through as the pump primes the system . Car parts for less do a Bosch pump for £122.00. Pretty sure I need one too , I will be getting mine from them


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Yep , there has been a few fuel pump problems lately ,a few people have said that theirs just died . Mine is whining and im struggling to start it , also if its on around a quarter of a tank it will sputter .

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