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Kevin Bacon

Cliffnet Wizard

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Does anyone know if the Cliffnet Pro computer interface/software is compatible with the Concept 300 alarm? Mine isn't responding when I try and program it with a the plainview switch, so I want to run some diagnostics on it.


Bloody Cliffords, I hate them. They always go wrong but I can't be bothered to pull it out.




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Yes the Concept 300 is part of the G4 range and supports the interface.


My Clifford came with a lifetime warranty - didn't yours?

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Yeah it has got a lifetime warranty, but isn't it only valid for the original purchaser? Mine was in the car when I got it.


I know where it was fitted so I'll pop down and get them to look at it and also give me a tutorial on how to use it!!


Aswell as not allowing me into the program mode, the locks also don't go down automatically when the engine starts. They did when I first got the car, but have since stopped working. The total closure function works OK though, so something has gone amiss somewhere.




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Yes, only with the original purchaser.


As for the locks - this is just an option you can enable in the Clifford menu - which you can access via your keypad.


Might be easier to get the original fitters to do it though - using the menu and listening to the beeps and chirps isn't fun and passers-by thing you're hot-wiring the car or something :)

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