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Engine Code?

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Started work on my engine bay this evening and one of the things that needs sorting is a very minor leaking in places around the rocker cover gasket. When I try and get a replacement, they seem specific and are based on engine number (i.e. > ABV014001 for instance). Where is the engine code? does the plastic or metal rocker cover also make a difference?



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Engine code should be on the head or the side of the block .There are quite a few different gasket sets ,as they chopped and changed around a lot .

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Thanks for the replies.


I believe the car has had an engine change at some point, so the sticker is probably wrong unfortunately :(


Any ideas where on the block/head the number is? I had a look around it last night, but not knowing if I'm looking for tiny letters under years of dirt means I could've looked straight past it. Plus of course, I may have to remove something to see it. This is where I am at now, anything else need to come off to find it? u7egaby5.jpg



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Thanks for the replies all. Stickers were gone on my cam cover unfortunately. However, did eventually find the code on the block, just below the head/block join above the aux belt. Not convinced that it would prove particularly useful as a definate id for the correct gasket though, as it does seem to depend on a plastic or metal cam cover. I believe they are interchangeable, so buy the gasket based on the cover type rather that any codes I would say. The flat gasket for the metal cover, the "T" cross section gasket for the plastic one.

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