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Purple Tom

Wanted - VR6 poly engine mounts

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A year ago or so Jay Renshaw did a group buy for a set of polyurethane engine mounts for the VR6. They replaced the front and O/S engine mounts.


Does anyone have any that they perhaps purchased and no longer need? I'm after the front one more so than the rear one but will take both if available.


Thanks in advance!



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Dan - brilliant, thank you.


Hofmeister - no problem, if/when Dan comes back with a result then we can sort it out then.



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I've got half a spare front one - had to fit a new mount as my old one was beyond salvaging, so I have an extra one of the red inserts that would have formed the lower front mount. Might be of use to someone, if not it can stay in my bits box until the front mount dies :)

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Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.


I have found the poly engine mounts. I did fit them and used them for approx 50 miles before taking them off. They felt great, but I was getting a little too much vibration when the engine was cold. I took them off and ended-up with Vibratechnic mounts.


Jay did a second group buy, which included a softer lower insert on the rear mount. I bought this from Jay with the intention of trying out the mounts again with the softer rear insert, but never got round to it.


So, I have the font inserts and the rear inserts with both the harder lower insert and the softer lower insert. The softer insert has not been used. Hope I'm making sense :)


On the attached photo, the left hand items are for the rear mount, the right hand for the front.


Assuming Tom is happy for just the front, I can split the set and send Hofmiester the rear set. How does £20 per set including delivery sound?




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Hi Dan,

Sounds good to me, I'm after the softer insert I think as I've driven a car with the hard one before....it was hard!


Obviously Tom has first dibs but if he's happy for me to have the rear one then I'll take it.


Please PM me payment details if all is good.



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Sorry to bring this back up but did you have a front and rear still available. I don't mind if its the hard or soft version.

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