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Squeaky Brakes

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Hi All


I am a bit of a noob when it comes to brakes.


My brakes squeak when i brake, i assume this means i need new pads?



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Could be a few things - worn pads, glazed pads, worn or scored discs or perhaps as simple as the pads need removing and copper grease applied to the sliding areas and pad backs. You'll only know properly when you take them apart.

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O P is a novice when it comes to brakes. So it's worth stating that the coppergrease goes onto the back of the steel backing plateplate ONLY...........To be honest, unless you are absolutely sure what you are doing, leave brakes to the experts. You might be driving towards me tomorrow.


Best wishes



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Thanks guys,


Luckily one of my good friends knows all this kinda thing. He's doing it over the weekend + some other bits.



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