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Back to a non starter , spluttery again !!!!

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Sorry mate , I forgot this has been done too and it's been replaced . It was reading 74 degrees from cold . The lambda came up on the vagcom as well , but that would not cause a sketchy start .I have a second hand dizzy to fit also .i will be keeping an eye on this to see if it's getting worse .



Edited by robrado974

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Bad news Rob but personally I don't think there is much wrong, I'm wondering if maybe it's the fuel, the car has been stood for ages and fuel does go off with time, maybe get it out for a few blasts and then refuel it with some nice fresh super.

Also, maybe you need to do that ecu reset procedure, if you have the battery disconnected the ecu forgets all it's learnt fuel trims and has to relearn them, maybe that is causing you poor running.


I would pop up and vagcom it mate but as you know I'm a little bit tied up with mine atm ...lol



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Thanks mate i know you would if you could . Anyway its my turn to come to yours . Its been fine Rog since i put the battery back on .Its only recently that the problem has come back from way back when i started this thread . Its had a good run round the lanes up to Dawlish Warren and then joined the A38 further up for a good blast . I tried recording it last night but there was only a little splutter , then again tonight it started fine with no splutter . The reason im concerned is this is how it started last time . Im preying that it stays away . Let me know what weekends you have off mate and i will see if i can make it up to see you mate .

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