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Guest sam1990rhodes

Indicator Fault!!

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Guest sam1990rhodes

Ah, the joy of old cars. not even a day after resolving the fault with my car not sparking (fuel pump relay was priming but nothing else, accidentally knocked fuel pump relay and engine started!)


The passenger indicators flash really fast except front indicator which doesn't flash at all(drivers side works fine), both sides flash normally with hazards button except front passenger which doesn't work at all, I've swapped the bulbs at front round and passenger side still doesn't flash, so the bulb isn't the fault.


does that sound like a relay or control module or wiring fault? my brain is still in a muddle from the not starting fault so cant think straight currently!


(one thing to add, in the process of swapping the front bulbs the exact same issue happened to the drivers side i.e. no front bulb, side and rear flashing fast, wiggled the wiring and it righted itself)

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Indicators will flash fast when one is out. First off you need to make sure you have a good connection to the bulb itself. As they're spring contacts (little metal strip to the back of the bulb), over time they loose their tension on the bulb and don't make sufficient contact. A small screwdriver to pull it out a touch more has worked for me on a number of occasions. Next step is to check you have voltage to the connection. Its then a case of tracing the wiring back to see where the fault lies mate.

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Guest sam1990rhodes

you're a star! now i know that it all makes a lot more sense and a lot less of a mess! ill, take a look tomorrow when there's light!... don't suppose you know anything about the heaters blowing luke warm?

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Probably thermostat. They usually get stuck in the open position, so water is constantly being cooled by the Rad. (Corrados use a heater matrix connected to the coolant system). If it gets warmer when sat idling, but cools down when driving, I reckon thats your problem. What engine do you have? Reason I ask is that the older types (I think its just older types) have bypass valves on the hoses to the matrix. This is to stop excess pressure blowing the matrix, which will scold your feet and fill the car with steam. VW actually recalled them to modify the bypass valves iirc. They also get stuck in the bypass position especially if the matrix is original and a bit clogged, thus creating back pressure. Or its just the matrix itself, in which case good luck with that!


You can check if your thermostat is functioning correctly if you touch the bottom radiator hose. It should be cold all the way up from starting until temperature reads 87 degrees, at which point it opens to allow circulation to the rad for cooling.


Do a search, theres plenty of info as its asked quite frequently.

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Guest sam1990rhodes

woops, neglected to mention, the corrado has currently got a 1.8t in it.


don't know what the fan motor was originally like but when i turn it to 4 its hardly belting air out like my mk4 did.

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