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Fuel rail problems. Leaking badly

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so i pulled in to my driveway after a serious smell of petrol in the car. I got out and there was a serious cloud of burning fuel vapor coming from under the bonnet


Its a g60 by the way


I removed the isv pipes to get a better look and it looks like one of my injectors is leaking badly. i also noticed the whole fuel rail is sitting a bit too far back on the right hand side.


Im gonna try sort it in the morning but i need some advice.


Does the fuel rail & injectors simply pull out of the engine block after you remove the few bolts & pipes holding it in?


It is the right hand injector which is the culprit and it seems to be leaking at the top.


Ive never had to work on a fuel rail before so dont know too much about it. Is there some kind of seal at the top that might have perished?




pic of the culprit






so i took out the fuel rail and it looks like only one of the injectors was held in properly by its clip so i fixed the others. But what i noticed is that the 2 end ones seem to be missing the caps. i assume this isnt normal?? is it safe to run like this? Im pretty sure the caps didnt come off in the head



Edited by goodbuzzman1

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