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Roger Chatfield

Early spec VR6 coil, help needed.

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Afternoon chaps,


Ok, long story short, I went and gave Rob a hand today to try and get to the bottom of his non starting issues, anyway we was going to try and get some VAGCOM codes out of it but his is an early spec and Sean's VAGCOM only has the ODB2 style plug so that was a no go.

However we did do a few electrical checks and found that when we measured the secondary coil of the coil we got a reading of 7200 ohms, the Bentley manual states that it should be between 3000 and 4000 ohms.

No, we realise that the Bentley is actually for the AAA engine so the results for that engine may be different but was wondering if this could be the cause of Rob's intermittent starting issue.


Now for the help needed bit.


Could someone with access to an early spec VR6 please measure their secondary coil for us so we can use it as a comparison.


You need to connect your meter to terminals 4 and 15 of the coil and have it set to ohms.



Many thanks in advance.


Rog. (and Rob)

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Should be able to do this when I'm home as I have a coil off my 93 vr6 on the shelf in the garage, only prob is I'm currently in New Zealand so it will be early next week before I can do. Hopefully someone will be along in the mean time but send me a reminder if no one gets back to you before I'm back.

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