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cars started to stall.

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i got this problem just started wonder if anyones had anything like this before.


the car (G60) has started to stall when i go on the clutch or slow using a gear. if i take it very easy it wont do it. i mean like settle the revs at 1500 or so then go on clutch.


ive had a check of the vac lines they seem ok. ill have another thorough check though.

iv tested function and connection but not continuity on the idle switch. ill test that too.


anybody any ideas cos it all looks ok.


could it be the fuel filter? its only 6 mlnths old so should be ok.


anybody please?


its pretty shittifying whn it stalls mid corner and PAS goes AWOL

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yeah i thought about looking at that. couldn't see anything though.


whats best to clean um with?


can you ohm test um or something to see if its ok?

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right i did the carb cleaner and loads of shit came out. car now runs even worse though. it wont idle properly at all. i cannot reverse as it stalls. as soon as i go on the clutch or if im at low revs like 1500rpm you can feel it bog down and/or stall.


itll be undrivable to work tomorrow unless it fixes itself overnight. :(


im gonna do a proper vac line check tomorrow and maybe remove the ISV and set the idle on the screw and see if that works.


any other suggestions.



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this morning i have removed the ISV and bunged up the hole, set the idle and itll start and idle and run.


if i go on the brakes heavy itll satall as it drags from vac(i think)


So it deff looks like my ISV is fucked. anybody know which ones you can use on a G60. .

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well i tried another ISV and it didn't solve it. so i did further testing and have found that my O2 system aint working properly. when i run without the probe its fine. funny one this it runs fine other than at like 1000rpm or when on brakes to come to a stop. o2 cycles goes WOT goes to idle swithc too.


anybody suffered like tis before. gotta be wiring but where?

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