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94 VR6, blue smoke.....

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Bit of an odd one, had a run out today and apart from a poor idle all was well.

After 40 miles or so it started burning oil, knocked it off and left for half an hour to cool down, oil level ok and started again. Little smoke again then cleared up so tried for home. Won't smoke on over run or holding at a steady 50/60mph, pull away from a roundabout though and there's clouds of the stuff! Was originally suspecting a sticking piston ring but then noticed a little smoke creep up the side of the bonnet so now thinking a long the lines of breather system.

Not had chance to pull the plugs yet to see if its a particular cylinder, it's had a top end rebuild 150 miles ago and had the opportunity to check cylinder bores and all looked well.

So combination of of erratic idle and the smoke from under RH side of the bonnet have got me thinking (hoping) it's the breather side of things, any help or suggestions are appreciated, it's not the best start the VR6 ownership!!

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I would agree that breather system sounds likely. You say that the oil level is ok; are you sure it's not over-full? Is there any sign of oil being blown out in the engine compartment? If you run the engine, put your hand over the oil filler with the cap off - is there a feeling of pressure in the crankcase?


Best wishes



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Oil level just under max so not over filled. Will start looking for anything obvious on Sunday but being a VR6 novice I'd be grateful for any advice.


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