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nutter driver

Late drivers side foglight, bonnet & wheels

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Hey guys and gals,


Looking for a drivers side foglight for our 94 vr6 if anyones got anything??


Dark burgandy vr bonnet in good nick, as some nice person sat on ours.... Ive got another one to swap on, but typically its the wrong colour! If no ones got a suitable striaght swap it can bloody well wait till it goes for a respray!!


Also in need of another set of standard speedlines if anyones got a tatty set going cheap? Want to refurb a set so i can just swap the tyres over, keeping it rolling....


lastly, mega long shot, but i know theres a few sets of 16" speedlines kicking around, if anyone has a set of those, then please get in touch, we may be interested!! Anyone know if these fit over 312mm's??






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I have an idea, I put up a post last week for a passenger side fog light glass, someone responded but only had a set for £40, shall we go halfs on it?



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