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Brunty's Dad

6 speed gearbox for vr6

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It seems that the gearbox bell housing is common to many VW marques. Is it possible to fit a 6 speed box to the VR6 without too much hassle. Just a thought.

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Have a look into a Gemini box. They are not cheap or easy to find though.


The other option is to fit a 02M box but you will need to change the flywheel, clutch, thermostat housing and get a mount adapter and custom driveshafts made up. You will then have a 6 speed box that is stronger for boost etc but ultimately, the difference between the stock 5 speed and the 02M 6 speed ratios in their respective top gear is very little. By going to the lengths of fitting a 02M box, you don't end up with a much longer top gear. Only a few hundred RPM at most and not worth the hassle.


Why are you after a 6 speed box? If you are looking at fuel saving, then look at having a diesel 5 gear from a mk3 golf TDI fitted in place of the stock 5th speed. The bell housings between 4 and 6 cylinder engines is different so you can't simply fit a diesel box in place. Whether you can get a diesel mk3 box and fit the bell housing from the vr6 box to that instead, or not, I don't know.

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